Saturday, February 26, 2011

Noelle book cat

Noelle on top of one of my many bookcases...she likes to sun herself under the light.
Hmmm..what's this?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Landscape Abstract

A new landscape abstract, I just painted this landscape playing with an abstract style. The photo reference is so detailed and intense it does not make a very good reference photo for painting, but I love the pond and the refections so I decided to paint the picture concentrating on color and shapes working in an abstract way.....I like it and as I move it around my studio my eyes keep falling on it.  I does look better in person.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Painting Oil Portrait Practice

I have not written in my blog for a while but I have been working on a lot of new art projects, I'm going to post a few new pictures that I've been doing mainly concentrating on portraits. Here is an example; I'm still working on. Whis is still a practice I'm pretty new at painting portraits with oils I usually only draw them in charcoal or pastels and have just begun to start working with them in oil paints. I like to work in the classic style of portrait painting. I haven't had my portrait class this session, I'm hoping to have a live model soon. I have been working from photographs which is very hard. I really enjoyed working with a live model you really get to see the nuances in the face that you miss with the photographs and I'm hoping to start painting from a live model again.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Scuba diving at Quissett Harbor for oysters....yum. Catch the video on's some photo's.

Woods Hole Oceanographic--Meet Alvin- I filmed and photographed, catch the video on FCTV...

here's some photos...
John....beautiful blue eyes.

 New portaits that I have finished with some great models.....
Amelia...exotic looks.

R/V Conn. getting ready to ship out for the night...

Cupola light....
Filming and Photographing at night....
Its been awhile, I have been busy with filming and painting....
Working on nudes here's some of the sketch book....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Stormy Blues- I photographed it two ways the bluer painting is more truer the color...this painting looks better in person you can really see the detail like the grass growing along the fence...and the horizon line is straight I was standing at a weird angle taking the pic...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back to the painting I am working on, I had to put it aside while filming and directing the Road Race.
So now the one on the easel....
Some behind the scenes of interviews we (Kevin and Robbie) did on the Thursday before the Road Race.
It was a long weekend of filming and lots of work.. but I love it!
The women elite runner turned out to be the female winner!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I have been working on this painting for a week; I had a difficult time with the flowers I just couldn't make
them look like I wanted them to; so I decided to put the painting aside and look at it for awhile and I'll go back and fix it when I've made up my mind as to what I want to change.